Summative Blog

As this is my last entry for the Australian Literature topic I would like to reminisce on the journey I have taken. Throughout this experience I have explored the changing views on literature in Today’s society. The overall struggles that I had at the beginning of this experience was the difficult nature of wording and the time that would be consumed when writing weekly blogs. I was extremely incorrect. As the initial confidence kicked in, writing the blogs became like an oozing flow of words, as it was my own personal interpretation that I was laying out on the page. Poets, Artists and Writers such as Judith Wright, Lisa Bellear, W.Lister Lister, Charles Harpur, Henry Kendall, Mary Gilmore, Francis Webb, Patrick White and Les Murray have all featured in my blog contents this semester.

The comments that I received mainly all positive had a few reoccurring critiques such as sentence structure. Through the first few poems this has been evident but as a result of this being pointed out as I went on, my sentences have found themselves to be in a smooth flow.

My first entry was Judith Wrights “Rockface” which had a commutative presence of identity thief from that the mountain shows. A poet who mainly focusing on indigenous peoples perspectives of the land is Lisa Bellear in “Urbanised Reebocks” exploring a scare experience of being apart of the land. An artistic aspect of literature can be seen in W.Lister Lister’s “The Golden Splendor of the Bush” highlighting the golden aspects of the painting showing the pureness of the land is of higher standards. “A mid summers noon in the Australian Forest” by Charles Harpur and “Bell-Birds” by Henry Kendall bounce of each other views by the common gratitude they share. Harpur’s poem expresses that through all the noise the quiet things in life are what he appreciates the most. As for Kendall shows his appreciation lies also with the simple things in life such as the sweet chirping sound of Bell-birds. Mary Gilmore’s “The Measure” has a core theme of time and how it is measured by how everything evolves. Therefore it can be see as a hatred cycle in that period of time, it was ongoing and was always the same hate, death, life, and then again hate, death, life. Poem number 7 was the week I made up a creative poem from the inspiration from Francis Webb’s “End of the Picnic”, it spoke to me through it’s opaque writing style and as a result made me surrounded my poem around the them of an unknown destination. My analysis of “Down in the Dumps” was portrayed through a letter style format expressing how fantastic this piece of writing was and my admiration for the characters and their meaningful part in the story. Les Murray’s controversial poem “The Cool Green” dives into a materialistic world, driven blindly by money.

As a result, over the semester whilst studying literature and art, the human experience has tackled many forms of joy, distress and hope for a clearer future. Through 19th Century and 20th Century poets bringing ancient views into present day lifestyles and reflect ones own experience in their work.